30th Anniversary
From the early vision of Earth Sanctuaries Limited (ESL) by disrupter, Dr John Wamsley's in 1993, the Earth Sanctuaries Foundation evolved to the Foundation for Australia's Most Endangered Species Ltd and in 2023 celebrated 30 years of operation.
The timeline below represents the 65 projects you have generously helped to fund and bring to a successful conclusion during FAME’s first 30 years.
Thank you – what you have enabled the Foundation and Partners to achieve in native wildlife conservation is commendable.
Help us to make the next 30 years a continuation of this momentum.
Join us in making a tax-deductible donation to FAME.
Established a colony of endangered Numbats (previously extinct in South Australia) at Yookamurra Sanctuary.
Earth Sanctuaries
Funded surveys and research projects on endangered arid-zone species in Western Australia.
Earth Sanctuaries
Established a colony of endangered Boodies (Burrowing Bettongs - previously extinct in SA) at Yookamurra Santuary.
Earth Sanctuaries
Funded research into a fungal disease of Platypus in Tasmania.
Earth Sanctuaries
Funded a protected breeding area for the endangered Bush-stone Curlew in south-eastern South Australia.
Earth Sanctuaries
Established a colony of critically endangered Bridled Nailtail Wallabies (previously extinct in NSW) at Scotia Sanctuary.
Earth Sanctuaries
Supported a protected breeding area for Malleefowl at Little Desert Lodge in Victoria.
Earth Sanctuaries
Established a colony of endangered Numbats (previously extinct in NSW) at Scotia Sanctuary.
Earth Sanctuaries
Funded the erection of approximately 75km of feral proof fencing at Scotia Sanctuary in NSW to protect endangered mammals.
Earth Sanctuaries
Established a program to restore threatened basalt grassland habitat at Little River Earth Sanctuary in Victoria.
Earth Sanctuaries
Established a protected Malleefowl breeding area at Yookamurra Sanctuary in South Australia.
Earth Sanctuaries
Established a colony of critically endangered Mainland Mala (previously extinct in NSW) at Scotia Sanctuary.
Earth Sanctuaries
Protect Yarra Pygmy Perch genetic stock in Lake Bonney, establish captive breeding program
Funded research into the effects of toxoplasmosis (a disease of cats) on native animals.
Earth Sanctuaries
Funded a survey of the critically endangered Black-eared Miner at Scotia Sanctuary in NSW.
Earth Sanctuaries
Established a colony of endangered Eastern Quoll (previously extinct in Victoria) at Little River Sanctuary.
Earth Sanctuaries
Funded the rescue of endangered Brush-tailed Rock-wallabies from NZ.
Earth Sanctuaries
Endangered species recovery in Far East Gippsland ( Spotted-tailed Quolls, Diamond Pythons, Southern Brown Bandicoot
Department of Sustainability and Environment Victoria
FAME funded a three year research project into the effects of habitat fragmentation on native orchids in the Adelaide Hills.
Established a colony of endangered Brush-tailed Rock-wallabies in Victoria at Little River Sanctuary.
Earth Sanctuaries
Funded habitat restoration at Waratah Park Sanctuary in NSW
Earth Sanctuaries
Funded a volunteer project with Bush Heritage Fund to protect remnant white box woodland habitat at Tarcutta Hills Reserve in NSW.
Earth Sanctuaries
Funded a project to restore threatened basalt flora at Little River Sanctuary.
Earth Sanctuaries
Funded a research project on the endangered Broad-shelled Tortoise
Funded equipment for an environmental education centre at Birds Australia's Gluepot Sanctuary.
Supported the establishment of a protected breeding area for Australia's most endangered mammall, Gilbert's Potoroo, in WA.
Investigating a research project on the effects of global warming on alpine and sub-alpine species such as the Mountain Pygmy Possum.
Species recovery and habitat protection of the Southern Emu-wren in the Mt Lofty Ranges
Conservation Council S.A
Researching the relationship between dingoes and endangered species
Habitat protection and restoration at 3 properties to secure a future for the Mt Lofty Emu-wren
Conservation Council S.A
funding conservation equipment (traps, cameras, fencing etc.) for the Hanson Bay Sanctuary on Kangaroo Island
Translocation of 20 Numbats to the Arid Recovery Reserve
Establishing a captive breeding program for the Eastern Quoll.
Northern Hairy-nosed wombat census and DNA Survey in Epping National Park in central QLD.
A trial translocation of Long-nosed Potaroo Bool Poole Peninsula
Recovering the Spiny Daisy, translocation and site management.
Translocating 12 Long-nosed Potaroos to Booderee National Park from Cape Conran Costal Park.
Supplement release of Western Barred Bandicoot into the Arid Recovery Reserve.
Arid Recovery
FAME and the Australian Reptile Park are working together to create a large scale breeding program for the endangered Tasmanian Devil on mainland Australia.
Australian Reptile Park
Mahogany Glider recovery post Cyclone Yasi, installation and monitoring of nest boxes and feeding station.
Education and animal husbandry facilities for endangered native species recovery.
Department of Sustainability and Environment Victoria
Recovery of the River Black Fish at Rodwell Creek in SA
Nature Trust Glenelg
Recovery of the three remaining wild populations of Bridled Nailtail Wallabies in central Queensland.
Bridled Nailtail Wallaby Trust
Improving genetic diversity of Mountain Pygmy Possums at Mt Buller.
Introduction of extinct species back into Ikara Flinders Ranges National Park
FAME and the Australian Reptile Park are working together to create a large scale breeding program for the endangered Tasmanian Devil on mainland Australia.
Sydney University
FAME and the Australian Reptile Park are working together to create a large scale breeding program for the endangered Tasmanian Devil on mainland Australia.
Ecological Horizons
Building a robust population of three different species - Long nosed Bandicoot, Long nosed Potorroo and Eastern Bettong.
Aussie Ark
Researching if Detector Dogs can identify feral cats to save Numbats.
Australian Federal Government Department of Biodiversity, Conservation & Attractions
Build awareness through visual imagery of Australia's endangered flora and fauna
Securing the future of Australia's most endangered macadamia species.
Macadamia Conservation Trust
Finding, monitoring and protecting the last populations of the elusive Kangaroo Island Dunnart.
Kangaroo Island Land for Wildlife
Building a captive breeding population of Bush-stone Curlews
Mt Rothwell
Bringing back the Eastern Bettong
Establishing a captive breeding program and rewilding the Mary River Turtle
Tiaro Landcare Group
Establishing a captive breeding program for the Southern Bell Frog.
Nature Trust Glenelg
Planting important habitat to save the iconic Cassowary
ReForest Now
Securing the future of the Tall Astelia.
Ecology Conservation Centre
Guarding paradise: ensuring the protection, monitoring and habitat restoration of species on LHI.
Lord Howe Island Board
Saving rainforest species from extinction
ReForest Now
Native species return: repopulation of the Quoll and Phascogale into the Vulkathunha-Gammon Ranges.
SA Department of Environment and Water
Protecting the Brush-tailed Rock Wallaby.
Aussie Ark
Seed-funding for development of a Cane Toad trap
Restoring an Island Ecosystem to reduce threats to native species through surveys, feral cat control and collaboration with private landholders.
Saving our endangered native plants.
Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria
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December 12th, 2024

December 5th, 2024

November 28th, 2024