
To celebrate our 30th year of conservation, we will be dedicating each Monday to a Monday Memory of one of the important projects you have helped us complete with our partners on the ground.

To take a walk through time and see more of these memories, visit our interactive timeline at this link.

Our first Monday Memory looks at the establishment of an Eastern Quoll (Dasyurus viverrinus) population at Little River Earth Sanctuary - now known as Mount Rothwell Biodiversity Interpretation Centre.

The Eastern Quoll is one of Australia’s most important native predators, closely related to the Tasmanian Devil and - of course - the other quoll species. Sadly, a mixture of human hunting, road deaths, habitat fragmentation and introduced species wiped out the species from the mainland.

By the 1960s, the Eastern Quoll was found in the wild only in Tasmania - a state of affairs which continues to this day. However, populations that have been continued in sanctuaries and dedicated captive-breeding programs such as this provide critical lessons in Eastern Quoll behaviour - paving the way for efforts to reintroduce them to the wild in the near future.

See more of the projects you have helped make possible on our interactive timeline here.

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