
Our ongoing commitment to Protect and Understand Numbats

It is always wonderful to bring you good news, especially in this our 30th anniversary year.

Many of you will remember the Numbat project in the Dryandra Woodlands National Park south-east of Perth FAME backed five years ago? In 2014, there were perhaps 50 animals in that area - today the Numbat Task Force (NTF) estimates there are between 500 and 600.

Success breeds success - see the wonderful photo below of this fantastic creature (pregnant with babies) whose lengthy tongue can vacuum up more than 20,000 termites a day! "Em", as the NTF has named her, will be added to Dr Tony Friend's long-term study.

This project is now going so well that FAME's Board has committed financial support for a further 12 months of monitoring and radio-collaring. It's another $15,000 we need to raise but it is surely worth it as this species recovers so robustly in Western Australia's Numbat Paradise.

If you can, please donate to this wonderfully successful project.

Photo above: 'Em', a female Numbat with her young, courtesy the Numbat Task Force. 

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